This blog is 18 years old.
It has been an interesting learning curve. Maybe I’m a slow learner, but I’ve realized something about the internet: all the world’s technical solutions, opt in mail, keyword descriptions, meta tags and backlinks aside: if you do not have content, you will quickly become one of the many millions of dead websites out there. In total, there are about 600 million blogs – of these, perhaps a few hundred thousand are being worked on. More on blog statitic here
(You are now reading a living one;)
If you follow my blog, I can not promise you visitors to your web pages in thousands or imaginative solutions to sell your message. But I can promise you a steady stream of blog posts that might make you look at the world, people, news and the aftermaths of war in a slightly different way. I will not sell anything on these sites. On the contrary.
If you want to use something that you find here, just do it.
You’re welcome. Feel free to link back to me, but it is not necessary either. If you find something interesting, I expect you to visit again and that’s really all I want.

How to protect yourself from your PTSD, when the world is on fire
(It is war. And it is mine. ) The headlines that meet me today are about the war in Ukraine. Alarms going off, people fleeing,

The thin film of civilization
The thin film of civilization This picture are taken on Lesvos. Her husband and baby drowned on the way over from Turkey. This is a

How to be brave, and what is courage?
Going beyond your comfort zone Exposing oneself to discomfort, pushing the boundaries, going beyond the comfort zone are all expressions of showing courage, of being