My Books

I have written 8 acclaimed books and a lot of other stuff. The Long way home is available in English. My books are currently under translation to english. Available in Norwegian (all) in danish (Delete) and in Serbokroatian (Fastball)
THE LONG WAY HOME (Free edition)
My first book. And the most personal.
A true story.
I took a closer look at the tobacco pouch. The bud that formed the lower part of the scrotum was dark brown and looked like a dirty prune. It was difficult to see the transition between the bud and the skin above. The bud, skin and lacing at the top formed a small scrotum.
A bit like the leather purse that we had marbles in as children.
Unlike ordinary leather purses, this one was made of a woman’s breast. Cut off with a sharp knife at the sternum and then processed so that it became a usable tobacco pouch for a proud Haddad soldier.
The long road home created great debate in the Armed Forces, and has become a widely read and referenced book among soldiers and veterans.
There are some questions I am always faced with
- What does it take to be published?
- How can I get more creative and how can I in a simple way, (using simple methods and tools), write better?
- Is it difficult to write a book? (Or film scripts, articles, short stories, blog posts?)
- What do I do to be released?