How to avoid the arrival blues

Travel experiences & trics

I have traveled a fair amount in my life. Perhaps not as much as today’s travel influencers, but enough to know how I handle traveling, especially to warmer climates. Picture: Italian food, Syracuse, Sicilia.



For example, I know that it usually takes a few days, up to a week, to acclimate when arriving at a new place. The day after arrival generally goes well. The day after that, however, brings a feeling of being overwhelmed and, if the heat is intense, discomfort. The desire to go home or leave the place increases.

I have even been in situations where, on these days, I started checking flights home and considered leaving the Airbnb and thereby thousands of kroner, just because I felt the stay didn’t meet my expectations. But then, on day 3 or 4, the feeling starts to shift. The good feeling of “this might actually turn out well.” I envision that the 4 weeks that seemed so overwhelming just a day or two ago are absolutely bearable. Picture: Beautiful Rhodos


Take your time

What happens next is typical. The days go by quickly. The first week, as mentioned, goes slowly, the following week goes faster, and the last two weeks disappear super quickly. Before you know it, you’re at the airport waiting for your flight home. Not with a bad feeling. And you look forward to returning home. You look forward to the food you’re used to, the bed you have at home, and all the comfortable things you have in your “base.” You look forward to your routines and everything you are accustomed to. Picture: Syracuse, Italy


Returning Home

A completely different story is that when you come home, you experience an unexpected longing. For as soon as you are home and have had two days of rain and cool weather, you start thinking about how wonderful it was with 30 degrees heat and sun all day. Picture: Costa de Italy


Tips for Handling Arrival Blues

1. Get an Overview
I usually put on my jogging shoes and study a map (I rarely do the latter because one trick is to get a little lost).

2. Find a Routine
As soon as you are settled in Airbnb or wherever you might be staying, make sure to establish a routine. Get up in the morning, have a coffee, do your morning grooming, eat breakfast (if you usually do), exercise, run, or whatever. Go to the beach or do whatever it is you want to do. The point is, do something, establish a routine.

3. Stay in Touch with Those at Home
Follow the weather where you live. If nothing else, it gives you an indication of what you (don’t) miss out on.

4. Talk to People
Break the ice. It’s sometimes hard, but fight against the anxiety and establish some form of communication. If you travel alone, this is super important.

Picture: Downtown Syracuse, Sicilia.



My daily routine is: I travel with my daughter and my partner. This means that I am also dependent on their wishes and needs. Sometimes it suits me well, other times it doesn’t. But the advantages of traveling with someone always outweigh the disadvantages.

I get up, do my morning grooming, drink a cup of coffee, and after an hour of news and a bit of work (yes, I write a little during vacations too), I run out with my daughter. Regardless of the temperature (we have run in 45 degrees heat). I know it’s not healthy, but that’s how it is when you have OCD. Then we relax, drink a lot of water, and later in the day we have our daily activities which can be a trip to a sightseeing point or something else. Then we eat out, occasionally or order something to the apartment. With some activities in between, the day is over, and I go to bed at a reasonable time.

Where I differ is, of course, the fact that I am an older, boring guy at 62 who doesn’t drink or smoke. But that’s my choice. Where you want to be is entirely up to you. Just remember to ensure you have routines. They are important. Picture: Fruit tastes never so good as in warmer climate. Picture: Quito, Ecuador

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